Yelp Advertising

Yelp’s new Agency Program is here!

In the past many advertisers have had a negative experience with Yelp. The new Agency Program is designed to give you more control, insights, and benefits with Yelp advertising than ever before. Through this program we are able to give you a seamless experience, tailored to your business.

Local View is Proud to be a Yelp Agency Partner

People come to Yelp because they’re looking to buy, visit, or hire. Get in front of them!

Why Yelp Advertising?

Yelp advertising connects you with people that are ready to buy, visit, or hire.

Attract More Customers

Reach people while they’re searching with sponsored results. Sponsored results:

Help you appear on more searches
Are geo-targeted
Run on Yelp pages of similar businesses

Reach Customers at Their Moment of Decision

Did you know that 79.6 million unique visitors come to Yelp every month? 85% come undecided about which business to choose. 97% make a purchase after visiting Yelp.

Who Will You Reach?

People come to Yelp to make spending decisions about everything from mechanics to hair salons to restaurants and more. People come to Yelp looking to buy, visit, or hire. 

Turn Page Views into Customers

Reinforce your branding and highlight the best aspects of your business with Ylpe upgraded profile.

Measure Your Success

We help you understand the impact of your Yelp advertising by tracking impressions, mapped directions, clicks, call tracking, mobile calls and link tracking. 

Customer Experience describes the overall perception that customers have of their experience with your business.

Advertise on Yelp with an Agency Partner

Ready to advertise? Want to learn more and get a one-on-one consultation? We’d love to learn more about your business goals. Our team is committed to your success.